Tag: equity



What is C-Share and how does it work C-share is a type of mutual fund that allows investors to share in the unrealized gains or...


What is a T-account A T-account is a visual representation of the ledger of a business or individual. It is so named because it looks...


DefinitionH shares refer to the shares of companies incorporated in mainland China that are traded on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Many companies float...

J Curve

What is 'J Curve' A theory stating that a country's trade deficit will worsen initially after the depreciation of its currency because...

Valuation Analysis

What is a 'Valuation Analysis' A form of fundamental analysis that looks to compare the valuation of one security to another, to...

Labor-Sponsored Venture Capital Corporations (LSVCC)

What is 'Labor-Sponsored Venture Capital Corporations - LSVCC' A type of Canadian corporation created by a labor union that deals exclusively with...

Paid In Capital

DefinitionPaid in capital refers to capital contributed to a corporation by investors through purchase of stock from the corporation. It includes share capital as...

SAFE Investment Company (China)

What is 'SAFE Investment Company (China)' The SAFE Investment Company is the Hong Kong branch of the Chinese sovereign wealth fund. The...

EAFE Index

What is the 'EAFE Index' The EAFE Index is an index created by Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) that serves as a...

S&P Core Earnings

What is 'S&P Core Earnings' The Standard and Poor's revised version of the measurement of core earnings, which excludes any gains related...

