Tag: demand

Same-Day Substitution

What is 'Same-Day Substitution' An offsetting change in a margin account, made over the trading day, that results in no overall change...

Saber Currency

What is 'Saber Currency' A proposed Brazilian currency that would be handed out by the Ministry of Education to 7-year-olds to be...

Same-Store Sales

DefinitionSame-store sales is a business term which refers to the difference in revenue generated by a retail chain's existing outlets over a certain period,...
macroeconomic factor

Macroeconomic Factor

What is a Macroeconomic Factor A macroeconomic factor is a broad concept used in economics to describe anything that could affect the economy as a...

Scarcity Principle

The Scarcity Principle, like other principles of economics, comes from the principles of psychology and behavioral sciences. As per the simplest definition, it states...

Back Order

What is a 'Back Order' A back order is a customer order that has not been fulfilled. A back order generally indicates...

Baltic Dry Index

DefinitionThe Baltic Dry Index, is issued daily by the London-based Baltic Exchange. The BDI is a composite of the Capesize, Panamax and Supramax Timecharter...


What is 'Backorder' An order for a good or service that cannot be filled at the current time due to a lack...


DefinitionNormal backwardation, also sometimes called backwardation, is the market condition wherein the price of a commodities' forward or futures contract is trading below the...


DefinitionContango is a situation where the futures price of a commodity is higher than the anticipated spot price at maturity of the futures contract....

