Tag: days

last trading day

Last Trading Day

What is the last trading day for a security The last trading day for a security is the final day that trading can take place...
Quadruple witching

Quadruple Witching

What is 'Quadruple Witching' Quadruple witching refers to an expiration date that includes stock index futures, stock index options, stock options and single stock futures....

What Is Planned Obsolescence

DefinitionIn economics and industrial design, planned obsolescence is a policy of planning or designing a product with an artificially limited useful life, so that...

Validation Period

What is 'Validation Period' The amount of time necessary for the premium on an insurance policy to cover the commissions, the cost...

T+1 (T+2,T+3)

What is 'T+1 (T+2,T+3)' Abbreviations that refer to the settlement date of security transactions. The T stands for transaction date, which is...

Vacation Home

What is 'Vacation Home' A dwelling other than the owner's primary residence that is used for recreational purposes, like vacations (hence the...

