Tag: currency

Hard Currency

Hard Currency

What is 'Hard Currency' Hard currency is a currency widely accepted around the world as a form of payment for goods and services. A hard...


DefinitionIn economics, hyperinflation is very high and typically accelerating inflation. It quickly erodes the real value of the currency, as the prices of most...


What is 'Yen ETF' Exchange-traded funds that invest primarily in yen-backed assets such as short-term debt instruments and bonds, or hold the...

Implied Rate

What is an 'Implied Rate' An implied rate is an interest rate that is determined by the difference between the spot rate...

National Currency

What is 'National Currency' The currency or legal tender issued by a nation's central bank or monetary authority. The national currency of...

Negative Interest Rate Policy

A negative interest rate policy (NIRP) is a monetary policy that is used by central banks to keep negative rates in the country. The...

Narrow Money

DefinitionIn economics, broad money is a term denoting a certain measure of the amount of money in a national economy, and it is used...

Offsetting Transaction

What is an 'Offsetting Transaction' In trading, an activity that exactly cancels the risks and benefits of another instrument in the portfolio....

Office Of The Comptroller Of The Currency (OCC)

What is 'Office Of The Comptroller Of The Currency - OCC' A U.S. federal agency that serves to charter, regulate and supervise...
Office of Thrift Supervision

Office Of Thrift Supervision (OTS)

What is the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS)? The Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) is a federal regulator of savings and loan associations, savings banks,...

