Tag: conference


DefinitionOptions backdating is the practice of altering the date a stock option was granted, to a usually earlier date at which the underlying stock...

Sales Meeting

What is 'Sales Meeting' A gathering in which a product or service is being discussed, and the benefits are outlined to the...
back up

Back Up

What is a back up and what does it mean for the securities market A back up is a slang term for the movement in...

Call Date

DefinitionA callable bond is a type of bond that allows the issuer of the bond to retain the privilege of redeeming the bond at...

Call Market

What is a 'Call Market' A call market is a type of market in which each transaction takes place at predetermined intervals...

Canadian Capital Markets Association (CCMA)

What is 'Canadian Capital Markets Association - CCMA' A nonprofit organization that was created to analyze issues arising in the Canadian and...

Call On A Call

What is 'Call On A Call' A type of compound option in which the investor has the right to exercise a call...

Call Premium

What is 'Call Premium' Call premium is the dollar amount over the par value of a callable fixed-income debt security that is...

Call Over

What is 'Call Over' When the buyer of a call option exercises the option. In options trading, the buyer of a call...

Call Privilege

What is 'Call Privilege' The provision in a bond indenture that gives the bond issuer the option to redeem all or part...

