Tag: chain

Value Chain

What is a 'Value Chain' A value chain is a high-level model developed by Michael Porter used to describe the process by...

Vendor Financing

Definition Vendor finance is a form of lending in which a company lends money to be used by the borrower to buy the vendor's products...


DefinitionIn a supply chain, a vendor, or a seller, is an enterprise that contributes goods or services. Generally, a supply chain vendor manufactures inventory/stock...

Value Network Analysis

What is 'Value Network Analysis' The analysis of the members and the interactions of these members within a value network. Value network...


DefinitionA warehouse is a commercial building for storage of goods. Warehouses are used by manufacturers, importers, exporters, wholesalers, transport businesses, customs, etc. They are...


Supply is an important economic term that denotes the amount of available goods and services in a country. The term is closely related to...

Daisy Chain

What is 'Daisy Chain' Daisy chain is a term used to describe a group of unscrupulous investors who, when practicing a kind...

Off-Balance-Sheet Financing

DefinitionOff-balance sheet, or Incognito Leverage, usually means an asset or debt or financing activity not on the company's balance sheet. Total return swaps are...

ICSC-UBS Store Sales

What is 'ICSC-UBS Store Sales' A weekly economic figure published by the International Council of Shopping Centers and UBS Bank, that measures...
naked option

Naked Option

What is a naked option When most people think of options trading, they picture someone buying or selling a call or put option on an...

