Tag: calls

How You Can Finally Deal With Unmanageable Debt

Do you feel like your debts are out of control? Few things are more stressful than trying to balance bills, credit cards, outstanding loans,...

Margin Call

DefinitionMargin Call is a 2011 American drama film written and directed by J. C. Chandor. The principal story takes place over a 24-hour period...

Maintenance Margin

DefinitionIn finance, margin is collateral that the holder of a financial instrument has to deposit with a counterparty to cover some or all of...


A backspread is a type of options spread in which the trader holds more long positions than short positions. This strategy can be used...

Call Protection

What is a 'Call Protection' A call protection is a protective provision of a callable security prohibiting the issuer from calling back...

Call On A Call

What is 'Call On A Call' A type of compound option in which the investor has the right to exercise a call...

Call Rule

What is 'Call Rule' A exchange rule whereby the official bidding price for a cash commodity is competitively established at the end...

Call Ratio Backspread

What is 'Call Ratio Backspread' A very bullish investment strategy that combines options to create a spread with limited loss potential and...

Called Away

What is 'Called Away' A term used to describe the elimination of a contract due to the obligation of delivery. This occurs...

Call Over

What is 'Call Over' When the buyer of a call option exercises the option. In options trading, the buyer of a call...

