Tag: calculate

Personal Loans: How to Minimize the Risk

Whenever a bank allows someone to borrow money from them, they have the law on their side if the person tries to get out...

The Top 4 Factors to Consider When Making Important Financial Decisions

Making financial decisions can be a daunting task, especially when it involves hundreds or thousands of dollars. From taking out loans for big purchases...

Yield To Average Life

What is 'Yield To Average Life' The yield on a fixed-income security when the average maturity is substituted for the maturity date...

Harmonic Average

DefinitionIn mathematics, the harmonic mean is one of several kinds of average, and in particular one of the Pythagorean means. Typically, it is appropriate...

Yield On Cost (YOC)

What is 'Yield On Cost - YOC' The annual dividend rate of a security divided by the average cost basis of the...

Yield-Based Option

What is 'Yield-Based Option' A type of debt-instrument-based option that derives its value from the difference between the exercise price and the...

Yield Variance

What is 'Yield Variance' Yield variance is the difference between actual output and standard output of a production or manufacturing process, based...

Yield To Maturity (YTM)

What is 'Yield To Maturity (YTM)' Yield to maturity (YTM) is the total return anticipated on a bond if the bond is...

Yield To Worst (YTW)

What is the 'Yield To Worst - YTW' The yield to worst (YTW) is the lowest potential yield that can be received...

Implied Rate

What is an 'Implied Rate' An implied rate is an interest rate that is determined by the difference between the spot rate...

