Tag: billion


What is 'Impression' A metric used to quantify the display of an advertisement on a web page. Impressions are used in banner...
rate-improvement mortgage

Rate-Improvement Mortgage

What is a Rate-Improvement Mortgage A rate-improvement mortgage is a type of home loan that offers a lower interest rate than the standard fixed-rate mortgage....

Ramani Ayer

DefinitionRamani Ayer is an Indian-American business executive, and the CEO and chairman of The Hartford from 1997 to 2009. Ramani Ayer What is...

Small Cap

What is Small Cap? Small cap refers to companies with small market capitalization. The definition tends to change a lot, but it generally refers...

Samurai Market

What is 'Samurai Market' A slang term for the stock market in Japan. Samurai market is usually used buy non-residents of Japan,...

Savings And Loan Crisis (S&L)

What is the 'Savings And Loan Crisis - S&L' The Savings and Loan (S&L) Crisis began under the volatile interest rate climate...

Savior Plan

What is 'Savior Plan' When management and employees borrow money to invest in their failing company in an attempt to save it....

Sales Per Share

What is 'Sales Per Share' Sales per share is a ratio that computes the total revenue earned per share over a 12-month...

SAMA Foreign Holdings (Saudi Arabia)

What is 'SAMA Foreign Holdings (Saudi Arabia)' A Saudi Arabian sovereign wealth fund. The fund is controlled by the Saudi Arabian Monetary...

Sale Of Crown Jewels

What is 'Sale Of Crown Jewels ' A takeover-defense tactic that involves the sale of the target company's prized and most coveted assets - the...

