Tag: analysis

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

What are 'Key Performance Indicators - KPI' Key performance indicators (KPI) are a set of quantifiable measures that a company uses to...


What is a 'Kickback' A kickback is the payment of something of value to a recipient as compensation or reward for providing favorable treatment to...

Key Ratio

What is 'Key Ratio' A mathematical ratio that illustrates and summarizes the current financial condition of a company. Key ratios can be...

Kondratieff Wave

Definition In economics, Kondratiev waves are hypothesized cycle-like phenomena in the modern world economy. Kondratieff Wave What is 'Kondratieff Wave' A long-term cycle present in capitalist economies that...

Klinger Oscillator

What is 'Klinger Oscillator' A technical indicator developed by Stephen Klinger that is used to determine long-term trends of money flow while remaining sensitive enough...

Kakaku Yusen

What is 'Kakaku Yusen' The system of pricing that is used by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Under the Kakaku Yusen system, a...


What is 'Kiosk' A kiosk is a small, temporary, stand-alone booth used in high-traffic areas for marketing purposes. A kiosk is usually...

Killer Application

DefinitionIn marketing terminology, a killer application is any computer program that is so necessary or desirable that it proves the core value of some...

Headline Risk

What is 'Headline Risk' The possibility that a news story will adversely affect a stock's price. Headline risk can also impact the...

Halted Issue

What is 'Halted Issue' A planned security offering that does not go forward as planned. A halted issue can relate to an...

