What is a T-account
A T-account is a visual representation of the ledger of a business or individual. It is so named because it looks like the letter T when drawn on a page. The left side of the T-account...
What is 'Ragnar Frisch' A Norwegian economist and joint winner in 1969 of the very first Nobel Prize in Economics, along with Jan Tinbergen, for his research in econometrics. Ragnar Frisch's other areas of research included time...
What is C-Share and how does it work
C-share is a type of mutual fund that allows investors to share in the unrealized gains or losses of the portfolio. The fund's sponsor typically sets aside a certain percentage of the...
What is 'MAD' In currencies, this is the abbreviation for the Moroccan Dirham. Explaining 'MAD' The currency market, also known as the Foreign Exchange market, is the largest financial market in the world, with...
DefinitionIn economics, BRIC is a grouping acronym that refers to the countries of Brazil, Russia, India and China, which are all deemed to be at a similar stage of newly advanced economic development. It is typically rendered as "the...
What is 'Baby Bills' A hypothetical nickname for the smaller companies that would have been formed if Microsoft had been broken up for violation of antitrust rules in 2000. Baby Bills stood a real chance of having...
What is 'Back Charge' A billing made to collect an expense incurred in a previous billing period. A back charge may be an adjustment due to an error, or it may be to collect an expense that...
What is 'Half Stock' Stock sold with a par value half of what is considered standard. Half stock can be either common or preferred and, other than the reduced par value, acts as a regular share of...
What is a 'Valuation Analysis' A form of fundamental analysis that looks to compare the valuation of one security to another, to a group of securities or within its own historical context. Valuation analysis is done to...
What is 'IDC Deposits' IDC Deposits Corp. oversees the MMAX (Money Market Account Extra) program which provides depositors with an efficient way to make large deposits – up to a maximum of $5 million – and secure...