Acceleration Clause

acceleration clause

What is an acceleration clause

An acceleration clause is a contract provision that gives one party the right to speed up the performance of its obligations under the contract or to terminate the contract if the other party fails to meet its obligations. The Clauses are commonly used in loan agreements, construction contracts, and leases. An acceleration clause can be triggered by a variety of events, including a failure to make payments, a material breach of contract, or a change in law that makes it difficult or impossible to perform. When an acceleration clause is invoked, the non-breaching party is typically entitled to damages for any resulting loss. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider the inclusion of an acceleration clause in any contract.

When can an acceleration clause be used

This type of clause is often used in construction contracts, where the completion of the project may be dependent on the timely completion of other tasks. For example, if the construction of a new shopping mall is being delayed by the slow progress of the contractor hired to build the parking garage, the mall owner may invoke the acceleration clause in order to have the contractor complete their work on an accelerated schedule. In order to be valid, an acceleration clause must be included in the original contract agreement. If it is not, then the party wishing to invoke the clause may have difficulty doing so.

What are the benefits of using an acceleration clause

There are several benefits of using an acceleration clause. First, it protects the lender’s interest in the event that a borrower defaults on their loan. Second, it gives the lender the ability to take possession of any collateral that was used to secure the loan. Finally, it allows the lender to avoid accruing additional interest and fees on the unpaid balance of the loan. Overall, acceleration clauses provide significant protection for lenders in the event that a borrower fails to meet their obligations under a loan agreement.

What are the risks of using an acceleration clause

Acceleration clauses can be beneficial in some situations, they also come with a number of risks. First, if the party who is required to make accelerated payments is unable to do so, they may be in breach of contract. This could lead to legal penalties, including damages and attorneys’ fees. Second, even if the party is able to make the accelerated payments, they may incur additional costs, such as late fees or interest charges. Finally, an acceleration clause can put a strain on the relationship between the parties involved, making it more difficult to resolve any future disputes. As a result, it is important to weigh the potential benefits and risks of using an acceleration clause before including one in a contract.

How can you protect yourself from the risks of using an acceleration clause

An acceleration clause can be a very risky provision for borrowers, as it gives the lender the ability to call in the loan at any time. However, there are some ways that borrowers can protect themselves from this risk. First, borrowers should be sure to understand the terms of the acceleration clause before signing the loan agreement. Second, borrowers should try to negotiate with the lender to remove or limit the scope of the clause. Finally, borrowers can take out insurance to protect themselves against defaults. By taking these measures, borrowers can help to minimize their exposure to the risks of an acceleration clause.

What are some common mistakes people make with acceleration clauses

Some common mistakes that people make with acceleration clauses include:

  • Failing to specify the conditions that will trigger the clause. Without clear language specifying what will trigger the clause, there is potential for misunderstanding and disagreement down the road.
  • Making the trigger condition too broad. If the trigger condition is too broad, it may be triggered inadvertently, leading to unnecessary disputes.
  • Failing to properly notify the other party of the existence of the clause. If one party is not aware of the clause, they may not know when they are in violation and may be taken by surprise if the other party suddenly accelerates performance of the contract.

Taking these factors into account can help ensure that acceleration clauses are used effectively and do not lead to problems down the road.


There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to acceleration clauses. First, they can be included in both commercial and residential leases. Second, they allow the landlord to speed up the eviction process if the tenant violates the lease agreement. And finally, acceleration clauses can be upheld in court if the landlord follows the proper procedures. So if you’re considering including an acceleration clause in your lease agreement, just make sure you’re aware of all the potential implications.