Tag: trump

Katie Couric Clause

What is 'Katie Couric Clause' A slang term for a controversial proposed clause from a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rule (formally...

Halted Issue

What is 'Halted Issue' A planned security offering that does not go forward as planned. A halted issue can relate to an...

Immediate Family

What is an 'Immediate Family' Immediate family members usually include a person’s parents, spouse, children and siblings. A person’s grandparents, grandchildren, in-laws...

In The Tank

What is 'In The Tank' A slang term referring to very poor performance, as in that of a security, sector or market....

Savior Plan

What is 'Savior Plan' When management and employees borrow money to invest in their failing company in an attempt to save it....

Back Taxes

DefinitionBack taxes is a term for taxes that were not completely paid when due. Typically, these are taxes that are owed from a prior...

Cancel Former Order (CFO)

What is 'Cancel Former Order - CFO' An order from an investor to a broker, to cancel a previously placed order that...

Canceled Order

What is 'Canceled Order' 1. A previously submitted order to purchase or sell a security that is canceled before it has been...

Payday Loans

DefinitionA payday loan is a small, short-term unsecured loan, "regardless of whether repayment of loans is linked to a borrower's payday." The loans are...

Capital Gains Tax

DefinitionA capital gains tax is a tax on capital gains, the profit realized on the sale of a non-inventory asset that was greater than...

