Tag: trillion

Fed Balance Sheet

What is 'Fed Balance Sheet' A breakdown of the assets and liabilities held by the Federal Reserve. This report essentially outlines the...

War Babies

What is 'War Babies' A name given to securities in companies that are defense contractors. These securities are called war babies because...

War Damage Insurance Corporation

What is 'War Damage Insurance Corporation' A government financial protection arm created during World War II to provide coverage for war risks...

Gap Risk

What is 'Gap Risk' The risk that an investment's price will change from one level to another with no trading in between....

Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

What is the 'Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP)' Real gross domestic product (GDP) is an inflation-adjusted measure that reflects the value of...


Debt means anything that is either owed and/or due. The parties to any debt are referred to as lenders i.e. those who give, and borrowers or those who receive loan. Usage Debt is...

Gap Trading

What is a 'Gap' A gap is a break between prices on a chart that occurs when the price of a stock makes a sharp...

Balance Sheet

DefinitionIn financial accounting, a balance sheet or statement of financial position is a summary of the financial balances of an individual or organization, whether...

Uncle Sam

What is 'Uncle Sam' A nickname dating back to 1812 used to refer to the U.S. government. The term is said to...

Japan Inc.

What is 'Japan Inc.' A nickname for the corporate world of Japan that came about during the 1980s boom, when Western business...

