Tag: statements



What is quasi-reorganization and what are the benefits for businesses A quasi-reorganization is a type of financial restructuring in which a company makes minor changes...

Value Reporting Form

What is 'Value Reporting Form' An insurance form that is used to provide the variable coverage amounts needed by commercial businesses that...

Fundamental Analysis

DefinitionFundamental analysis, in accounting and finance, is the analysis of a business's financial statements; health; and its competitors and markets. It also considers the...

Farm Team

DefinitionIn sports, a farm team, farm system, feeder team, practice squad, or nursery club, is generally a team or club whose role is to...

Federal Call

What is 'Federal Call' A special type of margin call requiring a trader to deposit sufficient cash in order to meet federal...

Farm Income

DefinitionIn United States agricultural policy, several measures are used to gauge farm income over a given period of time. Farm Income What is...

Generally Accepted Principles And Practices (GAPP)

What is 'Generally Accepted Principles And Practices - GAPP' Standardized business procedures related to the operation of sovereign wealth funds (SWFs). The...

Qualifying Ratios

What is 'Qualifying Ratios' A set of ratios that are used by lenders to approve borrowers for a mortgage. The borrower's front-end...

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)

What are 'Generally Accepted Accounting Principles - GAAP' Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) are a common set of accounting principles, standards and...

Target Return

What is a 'Target Return' A target return is a pricing model that prices a business based on what an investor would...

