Tag: securities

National Association of Securities Dealers

National Association Of Securities Dealers (NASD)

What is the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD)? The National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) is the largest securities market regulator in the United...

Odd Lotter

What is 'Odd Lotter' An individual investor who buys securities, usually stocks, in odd lots. This is the opposite of someone who...

National Stock Exchange Of India Limited (NSE)

What is the 'National Stock Exchange Of India Limited - NSE' The National Stock Exchange Of India Limited (NSE) is India's largest...

National Market System (NMS)

What is a 'National Market System - NMS' A national market system (NMS) is a system with two main functions: ...

On-The-Run Treasuries

What are 'On-The-Run Treasuries' On-the-run Treasuries are the most recently issued U.S. Treasury bonds or notes of a particular maturity. "On-the-run" Treasuries...

Official Committee Of Equity Security Holders

DefinitionAn Official Committee of Equity Security Holders is a group of shareholders formed to represent a larger group of shareholders' interests in a company's...

On Account

What does 'On Account' mean On account is an accounting term that denotes partial payment of an amount owed or the purchase/sale...

Off-The-Run Treasuries

What are 'Off-The-Run Treasuries' Off-the-run treasuries are all Treasury bonds and notes issued before the most recently issued bond or note of...

Over the Counter Trading

DefinitionOver-the-counter or off-exchange trading is done directly between two parties, without the supervision of an exchange. It is contrasted with exchange trading, which occurs...

Odd Lot

What is an 'Odd Lot' An odd lot is an order amount for a security that is less than the normal unit...

