Tag: principles

Committee Payment Settlement Systems CPSS

Source: WikipediaLast Sourced: 2021-02-01This Article has been Edited for Accessibility Further Reading Global financial standard setting, the G10 committees, and international economic law...

Committee On Payment And Settlement Systems

Learning About the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems The Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems consists of the central banks of the G10...

Valuation Premium

What is 'Valuation Premium' The rate set by a life insurance company based on the value of the company's policy reserves. The...
valuation period

Valuation Period

What is a valuation period A valuation period is a set period of time during which the value of an asset or security is calculated....
Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council

Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC)

What is the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council and what do they do The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) is a U.S. government organization...

Warm Card

What is 'Warm Card' A type of ATM card that allows the bearer restricted access to a business account. Most frequently, the...

Generally Accepted Principles And Practices (GAPP)

What is 'Generally Accepted Principles And Practices - GAPP' Standardized business procedures related to the operation of sovereign wealth funds (SWFs). The...

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)

What are 'Generally Accepted Accounting Principles - GAAP' Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) are a common set of accounting principles, standards and...

Tax Efficiency

Definition A financial process is said to be tax efficient if it is taxed at a lower rate than an alternative financial process that achieves...


DefinitionTakaful is a co-operative system of reimbursement or repayment in case of loss, organized as an Islamic or sharia compliant alternative to conventional insurance,...

