Tag: present

Generational Accounting

DefinitionGenerational accounting is a method of measuring the fiscal burdens facing today's and tomorrow's children. Laurence Kotlikoff's individual and co-authored work on the relativity...

Dealer-Median Prepayment Speed

What is 'Dealer-Median Prepayment Speed' The median value of all Wall Street securities dealers' prepayment speed estimates for the underlying mortgages used...

Discounted Cash Flow

DefinitionIn finance, discounted cash flow analysis is a method of valuing a project, company, or asset using the concepts of the time value of...
effective duration

The Concept of Effective Duration

The concept of effective duration is a way to evaluate a bond's price sensitivity to changes in interest rates. It accounts for the uncertainty...

Day Order

What is a 'Day Order' A day order is an order to buy or sell a security that automatically expires if not...
underlying asset

Underlying Asset

What is an 'Underlying Asset' An underlying asset is the security or commodity underlying a Derivative. The most common type of derivative is a futures...

Abandonment Value

What is 'Abandonment Value' The value of a project or asset if it were immediately liquidated or sold. The abandonment value of...


What is 'UBS' A multinational diversified financial services company headquartered in Switzerland. UBS is involved in virtually all major financial activities, including...

Credit Default Swap

DefinitionA credit default swap is a financial swap agreement that the seller of the CDS will compensate the buyer in the event of a...


What is 'Value' The monetary, material or assessed worth of an asset, good or service. In accounting, value describes what something is...

