Tag: policy

J. Harold Chandler

What is 'J. Harold Chandler' The current COO of Univers Workplace Benefits and a former president, CEO and chairman of disability insurance...

Macro Accounting

What is 'Macro Accounting' Accounting for the total or aggregate economic activities of a nation. Macro accounting forms the basis for the...

J Curve

What is 'J Curve' A theory stating that a country's trade deficit will worsen initially after the depreciation of its currency because...
W-8 form

W-8 Form

What is a 'W-8 Form' A W-8 form is an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) form that provides foreigners with an exemption from specified U.S. information...
S-3 filing

S-3 Filing

What is an S-3 Filing An S-3 filing is a SEC registration form that allows companies to issue securities that are not registered under the...

Valuable Papers Insurance

What is 'Valuable Papers Insurance' A special type of property-casualty insurance. Valuable papers insurance will reimburse the policyholder for the monetary value...

Occupational Labor Mobility

What is 'Occupational Labor Mobility' Refers to the ease with which workers can switch career fields to find gainful employment or meet...


What is a 'P-Test' A statistical method used to test one or more hypotheses within a population or a proportion within a...

K-Percent Rule

DefinitionFriedman's k-percent rule is the monetarist proposal that the money supply should be increased by the central bank by a constant percentage rate every...


What is 'JAJO' An acronym that represents the months of January, April, July and October. Many companies that pay dividends announce their...

