Tag: policies


What is a 'Lapse' A lapse is the cessation of a privilege, right or policy due to time or inaction, so a...

Cancelable Insurance

What is 'Cancelable Insurance' This is insurance that may be canceled, at any time, by the insured party or by the insurance...

Participating Policy

DefinitionA with-profits policy or participating policy is an insurance contract that participates in the profits of a life insurance company. The company is often...

Parasitic Advertising

What is 'Parasitic Advertising' A type of marketing that promotes one product at the cost of lost sales for another product. Parasitic...

Qualifying Transaction

What is 'Qualifying Transaction' A type of transaction that occurs when a company issues public stock in Canada. A qualifying transaction occurs...

Variable Universal Life Insurance (VUL)

What is 'Variable Universal Life Insurance - VUL' Variable universal life insurance (VUL) is a form of cash-value life insurance that offers...

Valued Policy Law (VPL)

Valued Policy Law (VPL) What is 'Valued Policy Law - VPL' A statute that requires insurance companies to pay the full value...

Vanishing Premium

Vanishing Premium What is 'Vanishing Premium ' A type of periodic fee, paid in exchange for an insurance policy, that eventually...

Variable Life Insurance Policy

What is a 'Variable Life Insurance Policy' A variable life insurance policy is a form of permanent life insurance. Variable life insurance provides...
Variable survivorship life insurance

Variable Survivorship Life Insurance

What is Variable Survivorship Life Insurance Variable survivorship life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance that pays a death benefit to the surviving...

