Tag: payments

Years Certain Annuity

What is 'Years Certain Annuity' An insurance product that pays the holder a monthly income for a specified number of years. A...

Yield To Maturity (YTM)

What is 'Yield To Maturity (YTM)' Yield to maturity (YTM) is the total return anticipated on a bond if the bond is...

Yield To Worst (YTW)

What is the 'Yield To Worst - YTW' The yield to worst (YTW) is the lowest potential yield that can be received...
Yield Maintenance

Yield Maintenance

Yield Maintenance in Commercial Real Estate Loans Yield Maintenance refers to the penalties you pay if you pay off your loan early. The penalty is...

In Specie

What does 'In Specie' mean In specie is a phrase describing the distribution of an asset in its present form, rather than...

Implicit Rental Rate

What is 'Implicit Rental Rate' The opportunity costs that a firm incurs as a result of using their own assets for ongoing...


What is 'Impound' An account maintained by mortgage companies to collect amounts such as hazard insurance, property taxes, private mortgage insurance and...

Immediate Payment Annuity

What is an 'Immediate Payment Annuity' An immediate payment annuity is an annuity contract that is purchased with a single lump-sum payment...

Incentive Fee

Definition of an Incentive Fee An incentive fee, also known as a performance fee, is a fee which a client fund may be charged by...

In Escrow

What does 'In Escrow' mean In escrow is an item such as money or a piece of property that has been transferred...

