Tag: month

National Association of Purchasing Management Chicago (NAPM Chicago)

National Association of Purchasing Management Chicago (NAPM Chicago) What is 'National Association of Purchasing Management Chicago - NAPM Chicago' An association which...

National Stock Exchange

What is 'National Stock Exchange' The first stock exchange in America that was completely electronically automated. All members of the exchange are...

National Commodities And Derivatives Exchange (NCDEX)

What is 'National Commodities And Derivatives Exchange - NCDEX' India's largest and most recognized commodities exchange, which was established in 2003. The...

Offset Mortgage

Definition The term flexible mortgage refers to a residential mortgage loan that offers flexibility in the requirements to make monthly repayments. The flexible mortgage first...

Oil Price to Natural Gas Ratio

What is 'Oil Price to Natural Gas Ratio' A mathematical ratio comparing the prices of crude oil and natural gas. In the...

October Effect

What is 'October Effect' The theory that stocks tend to decline during the month of October. The October effect is considered mainly...

Off-The-Run Treasuries

What are 'Off-The-Run Treasuries' Off-the-run treasuries are all Treasury bonds and notes issued before the most recently issued bond or note of...

Manufacturing Cells

DefinitionCellular manufacturing is a process of manufacturing which is a subsection of just-in-time manufacturing and lean manufacturing encompassing group technology. The goal of cellular...

Off-The-Run Treasury Yield Curve

What is 'Off-The-Run Treasury Yield Curve' The U.S. Treasury yield curve derived using off-the-run treasuries. Off-the-run treasuries refer to U.S. government bonds...

Odd-Days Interest

What is 'Odd-Days Interest' Interest that is earned from a mortgage or other loan with closed-end installments that contain a nonstandard payment...

