Tag: monetary

Managed Money

DefinitionManaged Money is a 1934 short comedy film directed by Charles Lamont. The film stars Frank Coghlan Jr. and Shirley Temple. It was also...

Macroprudential Analysis

What is 'Macroprudential Analysis' A method of economic analysis that evaluates the health, soundness and vulnerabilities of a financial system. Macroprudential analysis...
Managed currency

Managed Currency

What is managed currency and how does it work Managed currency is a type of foreign exchange hedging strategy in which an investor seeks to...

Mainstream Economics

DefinitionMainstream economics may be used to describe the body of knowledge, theories, and models of economics, as taught across universities, that are generally accepted...

Macroeconomic Stabilization Fund (FEM)

What is 'Macroeconomic Stabilization Fund - FEM' A reserve fund established by the country of Venezuela. Also known as the "FEM," it...

Real Bills Doctrine

DefinitionThe real bills doctrine asserts that money should be issued in exchange for short-term real bills of adequate value. The doctrine was developed by...

Rational Expectations Theory

DefinitionIn economics, "rational expectations" are model-consistent expectations, in that agents inside the model are assumed to "know the model" and on average take the...

Real Value

What is the 'Real Value' The real value is nominal value adjusted for inflation. The real value is obtained by removing the...

Sacrifice Ratio

What is the 'Sacrifice Ratio' The sacrifice ratio is an economic ratio that measures the costs associated with slowing down economic output...

Sampling Error

DefinitionIn statistics, sampling error is incurred when the statistical characteristics of a population are estimated from a subset, or sample, of that population. Since...

