Tag: minister

Target-Benefit Plan

DefinitionA target benefit plan is a type of pension plan that is similar to a defined contribution plan in that it involves fixed contributions,...
Tax Base

Tax Base

What is a tax base and why is it important A tax base is the total value of all taxable property in a jurisdiction. This...

Tatra Tiger

Definition"Tatra Tiger" is a nickname that refers to the economy of Slovakia in period 2002 – 2007 and after 2010 following the ascendance of...

Take-Out Lender

What is 'Take-Out Lender' A type of financial institution that provides a long-term mortgage on property. This mortgage will replace interim financing,...

Deal Slip

What is 'Deal Slip' A record of the essential details of a transaction entered into by a forex dealer. It is the...

Day-Around Order

What is 'Day-Around Order' An order that cancels and replaces a previously submitted day order, producing a new request with an adjusted...

Dead Money

What is 'Dead Money' A slang term for money invested in a security with minor hopes of appreciation or earning a return....


What is 'Kill' To cancel a trade or order that has been placed, but not filled. A trader or investor may desire...

Unauthorized Investment

What is 'Unauthorized Investment' Any investment that has not been specifically authorized by a legal trust. Unauthorized investments can technically meet statutory...


Investment refers to buying financial assets with the expectation of earning profit in the future. The underlying asset is purchased not for immediate consumption,...

