Tag: meaning

Variable Coupon Renewable Note (VCR)

Variable Coupon Renewable Note (VCR) What is 'Variable Coupon Renewable Note - VCR' A renewable fixed income security with variable coupon rates...

Variance Inflation Factor

DefinitionIn statistics, the variance inflation factor is the ratio of variance in a model with multiple terms, divided by the variance of a model...

Value Added

What is 'Value Added' Value-added describes the enhancement a company gives its product or service before offering the product to customers. Value-added...

Financial Security

The term security in common usage denotes safety; however in financial parlance the term is taken to refer to a tradable financial asset. In fact this...
Variation Margin

Variation Margin

How to Calculate Variation and Maintenance Margin In futures trading, you must provide variation margin to your broker if you want to continue trading. If...


DefinitionFeatherbedding is the practice of hiring more workers than are needed to perform a given job, or to adopt work procedures which appear pointless,...

Warehouse-To-Warehouse Clause

Warehouse-To-Warehouse Clause What is 'Warehouse-To-Warehouse Clause ' A clause in an insurance policy that provides for coverage of cargo in transit....

What is Working Capital?

DefinitionWorking capital is a financial metric which represents operating liquidity available to a business, organisation or other entity, including governmental entities. Along with working...


What is 'Gapping' In general, a trading strategy in which the participant borrows short and lends long. This strategy gives the lender an overall better...


What is Gazundering and how can you avoid it Gazundering is the act of reducing a purchase price at the last minute, usually just before...

