Tag: investors

exchange traded funds

ETF – Exchange Traded Funds

What is an ETF and how does it work ETFs are exchange traded funds. ETFs are a type of investment fund that hold a basket...

Earnings Announcement

What is 'Earnings Announcement' Earnings announcement is an official public statement of a company's profitability for a specific time period, typically a...

Earnings Season

What is 'Earnings Season' Earnings season are the months of the year in which a majority of quarterly corporate earnings are released...

Expense Ratio

DefinitionThe expense ratio of a stock or asset fund is the total percentage of fund assets used for administrative, management, advertising, and all other...

Efficient Market Hypothesis

DefinitionThe efficient-market hypothesis is a theory in financial economics that states that asset prices fully reflect all available information. A direct implication is that...

Same Property Rule

What is 'Same Property Rule' A regulation relating to IRA rollovers stipulating that whenever a financial asset is withdrawn from a retirement...

Eating Stock

What is 'Eating Stock' The forced purchase of a security when there are insufficient buyers. Eating stock often applies to underwriters of...

Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Amortization And Exceptional Items (EBITAE)

What is 'Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Amortization And Exceptional Items - EBITAE' An accounting metric often used to deduct the amortization of...


VIX is a ticker symbol of the Chicago Board Exchange Volatility Index (CBOE). The index represents the expectation of the market volatility in next...

Kiwi Bond

What is 'Kiwi Bond' Retail stock offered directly to the public and available only to New Zealand residents. Application forms and investment...

