Tag: interest

Implied Contract

Implied Contract

What is an implied contract An implied contract is a legally binding agreement between two parties that is not written or spoken, but is simply...

Implicit Rental Rate

What is 'Implicit Rental Rate' The opportunity costs that a firm incurs as a result of using their own assets for ongoing...

In Sight

What is 'In Sight' A term describing deliverable grades of commodities underlying futures contracts that are held in approved delivery facilities near...

Illiquid Option

What is 'Illiquid Option' An option contract that cannot be sold for cash quickly at the prevailing market price. Illiquid options have...
implied call

Implied Call

What is an implied call and how can you use it in your trading strategy An implied call is a situation in which the underlying...

Inactive Bond Crowd

What is 'Inactive Bond Crowd' A group of exchange members who buys and sells bonds, that are infrequently traded. Limit orders placed...

Immediate Payment Annuity

What is an 'Immediate Payment Annuity' An immediate payment annuity is an annuity contract that is purchased with a single lump-sum payment...

In The Penalty Box

What is 'In The Penalty Box' A phrase referring to a company whose stock has plummeted with no rebound in sight. A...

Idle Time

What is 'Idle Time' Idle time is unproductive time on the part of employees or machines as a result of factors beyond...

Immediate Family

What is an 'Immediate Family' Immediate family members usually include a person’s parents, spouse, children and siblings. A person’s grandparents, grandchildren, in-laws...

