Tag: industry


What is 'A' A Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that the stocks are Class "A" shares of the company. Explaining 'A'...

Labor Intensive

What is 'Labor Intensive' Labor intensive refers to a process or industry that requires a large amount of labor to produce its goods or services....

Rafael Miranda Robredo

What is 'Rafael Miranda Robredo' A former CEO of Spanish electricity company Endesa. Born in Spain in 1949, Roberdo worked for Tudor...


DefinitionThe Independence Party is a liberal-conservative and Eurosceptic political party in Iceland. It is currently the largest party in the Althing, with 16 seats....

Occupancy Fraud

What is 'Occupancy Fraud' A type of mortgage fraud, whereby the borrower lies about whether or not the home will be owner...

Source: WikipediaLast Sourced: 2021-02-01This Article has been Edited for Accessibility Further Reading Event studies in economics and financewww.jstor.org ECONOMISTS are frequently asked to...

Naked Position

What is 'Naked Position' A securities position that is not hedged from market risk. Both the potential gain and the potential risk...

Zacks Investment Research

What is 'Zacks Investment Research' A company, founded in 1977, dedicated to providing professional investors with the financial data and analysis needed...

Game Changer

What is a 'Game Changer' 1. A person who is a visionary. 2. A company that alters its business strategy and conceives...


DCF means Discounted Cash Flow DCF is closely related to Net Cash Flow DCF focuses on long term value DCF evaluates based on...

