Tag: high


What is 'Q' A Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that a particular stock is in bankruptcy proceedings. Explaining 'Q' Nasdaq-listed...


What is 'O' A component of a stock symbol that indicates the shares of that stock are a second class of preferred...


What is 'Y' A letter that appears on a Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that a particular stock is an American Depositary Receipt....

Labor Intensive

What is 'Labor Intensive' Labor intensive refers to a process or industry that requires a large amount of labor to produce its goods or services....


What is 'A-Credit' The highest credit grade available as assigned to a borrower by a lender. Lenders use a credit grading system...

Vacancy Rate

What is the 'Vacancy Rate' The vacancy rate is the percentage of all available units in a rental property, such as a...

Source: WikipediaLast Sourced: 2021-02-01This Article has been Edited for Accessibility Further Reading Event studies in economics and financewww.jstor.org ECONOMISTS are frequently asked to...


What is 'Yard' A financial term meaning one billion. Yard is derived from the term "milliard" which is used in some European...

Half Stock

What is 'Half Stock' Stock sold with a par value half of what is considered standard. Half stock can be either common...


What is 'Gadfly' Gadfly is a term for an investor who attends the annual shareholders meeting to criticize the corporation's executives. Named...

