Tag: futures

Heating Degree Day (HDD)

What is 'Heating Degree Day - HDD' The number of degrees that a day's average temperature is below 65oFahrenheit (18o Celsius), the...

Hang Seng Index (HSI)

What is 'Hang Seng Index - HSI' A market capitalization-weighted index of 40 of the largest companies that trade on the Hong...

Head Trader

What is 'Head Trader' The manager of a trading business. He or she is responsible for the positions, risk and ultimate profitability...

Implied Rate

What is an 'Implied Rate' An implied rate is an interest rate that is determined by the difference between the spot rate...
Implied Contract

Implied Contract

What is an implied contract An implied contract is a legally binding agreement between two parties that is not written or spoken, but is simply...

Implied Contract Terms

What are 'Implied Contract Terms' Implied contract terms are items that a court will assume are intended to be included in a...

National Commodities And Derivatives Exchange (NCDEX)

What is 'National Commodities And Derivatives Exchange - NCDEX' India's largest and most recognized commodities exchange, which was established in 2003. The...

Nasdaq 100 Index

What is 'Nasdaq 100 Index' An index composed of the 100 largest, most actively traded U.S companies listed on the Nasdaq stock...

Narrow Basis

What is 'Narrow Basis' A condition found in futures markets in which the spot price of underlying commodities is close to the...


What is 'Oil ETF' A category of exchange-traded funds that invest in companies engaged in oil and gas discovery, production, distribution and...

