Tag: definitions

Narrow Money

DefinitionIn economics, broad money is a term denoting a certain measure of the amount of money in a national economy, and it is used...


Source: WikipediaLast Sourced: 2021-02-01This Article has been Edited for Accessibility Further Reading NAV discount in REITs: the role of expert assessors - www.tandfonline.com...

Qualified Institutional Buyer (QIB)

What is a 'Qualified Institutional Buyer - QIB' A qualified institutional buyer (QIB) is a corporation that is deemed to be an...

Variable Coupon Renewable Note (VCR)

Variable Coupon Renewable Note (VCR) What is 'Variable Coupon Renewable Note - VCR' A renewable fixed income security with variable coupon rates...

Value Added Monthly Index (VAMI)

What is 'Value Added Monthly Index - VAMI' An index that tracks the monthly performance of a hypothetical $1000 investment. ...

Par Value

DefinitionPar value, in finance and accounting, means stated value or face value. From this come the expressions at par, over par and under par....


What is 'Par' Short for "par value," par can refer to bonds, preferred stock, common stock or currencies, with different meanings depending...

Laughing Heir

DefinitionIn the law of inheritance, a laughing heir is an heir who is legally entitled to inherit the property of a person who has...


What is 'Xenocurrency' A currency that trades in markets outside of its domestic borders. The term "xenocurrency" is derived from the prefix...


What is 'JAJO' An acronym that represents the months of January, April, July and October. Many companies that pay dividends announce their...

