Tag: date

Johannesburg Interbank Agreed Rate (JIBAR)

What is 'Johannesburg Interbank Agreed Rate - JIBAR' The money market rate that is used by South Africa. The rate comes in...

Unbiased Predictor

What is 'Unbiased Predictor' The notion that the current market price of a physical commodity (its cash price or currency) will be...

Calmar Ratio

DefinitionCalmar ratio is a performance measurement used to evaluate Commodity Trading Advisors and hedge funds. It was created by Terry W. Young and first...

Oil Initially In Place (OIIP)

What is 'Oil Initially In Place - OIIP' The amount of crude first estimated to be in a reservoir. Oil initially in...

Lease Payments

What is 'Lease Payments' A line item under long-term debt on a balance sheet that indicates the value of future lease payments...
lead time

Lead Time

What is lead time and why is it important In the business world, lead time is the amount of time that elapses between the start...

AAAA Spot Contract

What is 'AAAA Spot Contract' A standardized contract drawn up by the American Association of Advertising Agencies that governs the purchase of...

Macaulay Duration

What is The 'Macaulay Duration' The Macaulay duration is the weighted average term to maturity of the cash flows from a bond....

Obligation Bond

What is 'Obligation Bond' A municipal bond used to secure a mortgage on property or other physical assets that can be liquidated....


What is 'Y2K' A shorthand term for "the year 2000" commonly used to refer to a widespread computer programming shortcut that was...

