Tag: curve

Yield Maintenance

Yield Maintenance

Yield Maintenance in Commercial Real Estate Loans Yield Maintenance refers to the penalties you pay if you pay off your loan early. The penalty is...

Yield Variance

What is 'Yield Variance' Yield variance is the difference between actual output and standard output of a production or manufacturing process, based...

Yield To Maturity (YTM)

What is 'Yield To Maturity (YTM)' Yield to maturity (YTM) is the total return anticipated on a bond if the bond is...
Yield spread premium

Yield Spread Premium

What is yield spread premium Yield spread premium is the difference between the interest rate a borrower pays on a loan and the interest rate...

Yield Burning

DefinitionYield burning is a form of financial fraud involving the United States municipal bond market. Yield Burning What is 'Yield Burning' The...

Natural Monopoly

DefinitionA natural monopoly is a monopoly in an industry in which high infrastructural costs and other barriers to entry relative to the size of...

On-The-Run Treasuries

What are 'On-The-Run Treasuries' On-the-run Treasuries are the most recently issued U.S. Treasury bonds or notes of a particular maturity. "On-the-run" Treasuries...

Off-The-Run Treasuries

What are 'Off-The-Run Treasuries' Off-the-run treasuries are all Treasury bonds and notes issued before the most recently issued bond or note of...

Off-The-Run Treasury Yield Curve

What is 'Off-The-Run Treasury Yield Curve' The U.S. Treasury yield curve derived using off-the-run treasuries. Off-the-run treasuries refer to U.S. government bonds...

Abatement Costs

What is 'Abatement Cost' A cost borne by many businesses for the removal and/or reduction of an undesirable item that they have...

