Tag: crisis

Imbalance of Orders

What is 'Imbalance of Orders' A situation when too many orders of a particular type - either buy, sell or limit -...
Investment banks

Investment Banks

There are few careers as lucrative and prestigious as investment banking. But what exactly is investment banking, and how do you go about getting...

National Treatment

DefinitionNational treatment is a principle in international law vital to many treaty regimes. It essentially means treating foreigners and locals equally. Under national treatment,...

National Pensions Reserve Fund

What is 'National Pensions Reserve Fund' The National Pensions Reserve Fund is a public pension fund established by the Republic of Ireland....

Nationally Recognized Statistical Ratings Organization (NRSRO)

What is 'Nationally Recognized Statistical Ratings Organization - NRSRO' The formal term to describe credit rating agencies that provide credit ratings that...

Off-Premise Banking

What is 'Off-Premise Banking' Any bank location other than its main location that provides banking services of any kind that don't require...

Offline Debit Card

What is 'Offline Debit Card' A card that combines characteristics of both a traditional (online) debit card and a credit card, allowing...
old economy

Old Economy

What is the old economy The old economy is an economic system that is based on traditional industries such as manufacturing and agriculture. This system...

October Effect

What is 'October Effect' The theory that stocks tend to decline during the month of October. The October effect is considered mainly...

Oil Reserves

DefinitionOil reserves denote the amount of crude oil that can be technically recovered at a cost that is financially feasible at the present price...

