Tag: contracts

Managed Futures Account

Managed Futures Account

What is a managed futures account and how does it work A managed futures account is an investment account in which a professional money manager...

Managed Money

DefinitionManaged Money is a 1934 short comedy film directed by Charles Lamont. The film stars Frank Coghlan Jr. and Shirley Temple. It was also...

Maintenance Margin

DefinitionIn finance, margin is collateral that the holder of a financial instrument has to deposit with a counterparty to cover some or all of...

Modern Economic Derivatives

Modern economies often utilize a set of complex system of measurements. This is certainly true when it comes to the stock market and international...

Abandonment Option

What is 'Abandonment Option' A clause granting parties the option of withdrawing from the contract before the fulfillment or completion of all...

Abandonment Clause

What is 'Abandonment Clause' A clause in a property insurance contract that, under certain circumstances, permits the property owner to abandon lost...

Ratable Accrual Method

What is 'Ratable Accrual Method' A method for determining when and how much income was earned over a period of time. The...


DefinitionNormal backwardation, also sometimes called backwardation, is the market condition wherein the price of a commodities' forward or futures contract is trading below the...

Cancellation Provision Clause

What is 'Cancellation Provision Clause' It is a provision in an insurance policy that permits an insurer or an insurance company to...


DefinitionContango is a situation where the futures price of a commodity is higher than the anticipated spot price at maturity of the futures contract....

