Tag: commercial

Water Damage Legal Liability Insurance

What is 'Water Damage Legal Liability Insurance' A policy that provides financial protection to a person or business that unintentionally causes water...

Walk-Away Lease

What is 'Walk-Away Lease' A common type of car lease in which the lessee returns the car at the end of the...

Warehouse Lending

What is 'Warehouse Lending' Warehouse lending is a line of credit given to a loan originator to pay for a mortgage the borrower used to...
Garage Liability Insurance

Garage Liability Insurance

What is Garage Liability Insurance and why do you need it Garage liability insurance is a type of insurance specifically for businesses that offer automotive...

Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act

DefinitionThe Garn–St Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982 is an Act of Congress that deregulated savings and loan associations and allowed banks to provide...

Glass-Steagall Act

DefinitionThe Glass–Steagall legislation describes four provisions of the U.S.A Banking Act of 1933 separating commercial and investment banking. The article 1933 Banking Act describes...

Daisy Chain

What is 'Daisy Chain' Daisy chain is a term used to describe a group of unscrupulous investors who, when practicing a kind...
Umbrella insurance policy

Umbrella Insurance Policy

What is Umbrella Insurance and what does it cover An Umbrella insurance policy is an insurance policy that provides additional coverage beyond the limits of...

Umbrella Personal Liability Policy

What is 'Umbrella Personal Liability Policy' A type of insurance policy that provides excess coverage above and beyond the liability coverage amounts...

UCC-1 Statement

What is 'UCC-1 Statement' One of the standard mortgage documents listed in the Uniform Commercial Code. The UCC-1 Statement lists and describes...

