Tag: city

Fat Cat

What is 'Fat Cat' A slang word used to describe executives who earn what many believe to be unreasonably high salaries and...

Wall Street

What is 'Wall Street' Wall Street is a street in lower Manhattan that is the original home of the New York Stock...

General Obligation Bond (GO)

What is a 'General Obligation Bond - GO' A general obligation bond (GO) is a municipal bond backed by the credit and...
general manager

General Manager

Becoming a general manager is no easy task. It takes years of experience and hard work to even be considered for the job. But...

Tangible Personal Property

What is 'Tangible Personal Property' Tangible personal property is a tax term describing personal property that can be physically relocated, such as...

Tax Court

What is 'Tax Court' A specialized court of law that hears and adjudicates tax-related disputes and issues. The tax court in the...
Tax exempt

Tax Exempt

What is tax exempt status Tax-exempt status is a designation given by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to organizations that meet certain criteria. To be...

Tandem Loan

What is 'Tandem Loan' Two loans taken out on one asset, which is usually a house; the secondary loan is normally added...

Tax Anticipation Note (TAN)

What is 'Tax Anticipation Note - TAN' A short-term debt security issued by a state or local government to finance an immediate...

De-Escalation Clause

What is 'De-Escalation Clause' An article in a contract that calls for a price decrease if there is a decrease in certain...

