Tag: career

Wash-Out Round

What is 'Wash-Out Round' A common round of financing to owners of small companies that are not yet financially stable. When such...

Wall Street

What is 'Wall Street' Wall Street is a street in lower Manhattan that is the original home of the New York Stock...


DefinitionGemology or gemmology is the science dealing with natural and artificial gemstone materials. It is considered a geoscience and a branch of mineralogy. Some...

Gap Analysis

What is 'Gap Analysis' Gap analysis refers to the process through which a company compares its actual performance to its expected performance...

Tailored Advertising

DefinitionTargeted advertising is a form of advertising where online advertisers can use sophisticated methods to target the most receptive audiences with certain traits, based...


What is 'Takeunder' An offer to purchase or acquire a public company at a price per share that is less than its...
A flier

Take A Flier

What is a flier and how can it be used to promote my business A flier is a printed piece of marketing collateral that is...

Take A Bath

What does 'Take A Bath' mean Take a bath is a slang term referring to the situation of an investor who has...


Source: WikipediaLast Sourced: 2021-02-01This Article has been Edited for Accessibility Further Reading TIPS and inflation expectations - www.tandfonline.com Dive in! Tips for Teaching...
uncovered option

Uncovered Option

An uncovered option is a type of option contract that is not hedged by an opposite position in the underlying security. This leaves the...

