Tag: bonds

T+1 (T+2,T+3)

What is 'T+1 (T+2,T+3)' Abbreviations that refer to the settlement date of security transactions. The T stands for transaction date, which is...

Yankee Certificate Of Deposit

What is 'Yankee Certificate Of Deposit' A certificate of deposit issued by a foreign bank in the United States. As they usually...

Baby Bills

What is 'Baby Bills' A hypothetical nickname for the smaller companies that would have been formed if Microsoft had been broken up...

Wachovia Hybrid and Preferred Securities (WHPPSM) Indicies

What is 'Wachovia Hybrid and Preferred Securities (WHPPSM) Indicies' Market capitalization weighted indicies designed by Wachovia to measure the performance of the...


What is 'Z-Bond' The final tranche in a series of mortgage-backed securities that is the last one to receive payment. Used in...

J Curve

What is 'J Curve' A theory stating that a country's trade deficit will worsen initially after the depreciation of its currency because...

Baby Bond

What is 'Baby Bond' Fixed income securities issued in small denominations, generally with a maximum face value of $5,000. The small denominations...

Face Value

What is 'Face Value' Face value is the nominal value or dollar value of a security stated by the issuer. For stocks,...


What is 'XD' A symbol used to signify that a security is trading ex-dividend. XD is an alphabetic qualifier that acts as...


What is an 'Obligation' An obligation in finance is the responsibility to meet the terms of a contract. If an obligation is...

