Tag: application

Federal Direct Student Loan Program (FDSLP)

What is 'Federal Direct Loan Program ' A program that provides low-interest loans to postsecondary students and their parents. The William D....

Waiver Of Exemption

What is 'Waiver Of Exemption' A provision in a consumer credit contract or loan agreement that permitted creditors to seize or threaten...


What is a 'Waiver' A waiver is the voluntary action of a person or party that removes that person's or party's right...

Waiver Of Demand

What is 'Waiver Of Demand' An agreement by the party that has endorsed a check or draft to accept legal responsibility, without...

Waiver Of Notice

When to Use a Waiver of Notice When does a meeting require formal notice? Normally, anyone with an interest must be formally notified, either in...

Generational Accounting

DefinitionGenerational accounting is a method of measuring the fiscal burdens facing today's and tomorrow's children. Laurence Kotlikoff's individual and co-authored work on the relativity...

Undertakings For The Collective Investment Of Transferable Securities (UCITS)

What is the 'Undertakings For The Collective Investment Of Transferable Securities - UCITS' The Undertakings for the Collective Investment of Transferable Securities...

Joint Credit

What is 'Joint Credit' Credit issued to two or more people based on their combined incomes, assets and credit histories. Joint credit...

Unbiased Predictor

What is 'Unbiased Predictor' The notion that the current market price of a physical commodity (its cash price or currency) will be...


What is 'Easement' Easement is a real estate concept that defines a scenario in which one party uses the property of another...

