Tag: american

Quiet Filing

What is 'Quiet Filing' The name given to an IPO filing where important details are intentionally excluded. Sent to the SEC in...

Qualified Production Activities Income (QPAI)

Qualified Production Activities Income (QPAI) What is 'Qualified Production Activities Income - QPAI' Income derived from domestic production that qualifies for...

Vandalism Endorsement

What is 'Vandalism Endorsement' An optional type of coverage that can be added to a basic hazard or property and casualty insurance...
Veblen good

Veblen Good

What is a Veblen Good A Veblen good is a type of consumer good for which demand increases as the price increases. This occurs because...

Fat Cat

What is 'Fat Cat' A slang word used to describe executives who earn what many believe to be unreasonably high salaries and...

Failed Break

What is 'Failed Break' A price movement through an identified level of support or resistance that does not have enough momentum to...

War Babies

What is 'War Babies' A name given to securities in companies that are defense contractors. These securities are called war babies because...

Wall Street

What is 'Wall Street' Wall Street is a street in lower Manhattan that is the original home of the New York Stock...

War Exclusion Clause

What is 'War Exclusion Clause' A clause in an insurance policy that specifically excludes coverage for acts of war such as invasion,...

War Damage Insurance Corporation

What is 'War Damage Insurance Corporation' A government financial protection arm created during World War II to provide coverage for war risks...

