Tag: american

A-B Trust

What is 'A-B Trust' A trust created by a married couple with the objective of minimizing estate taxes. An A-B trust is...

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

What is 'U.S. Agency for International Development - USAID' An independent federal agency of the United States that provides aid to citizens...

Ma And Pa Shop

What is 'Ma And Pa Shop' A colloquial term for a small, independent, family-owned business. Unlike franchises and large corporations, which have...

Back Charge

What is 'Back Charge' A billing made to collect an expense incurred in a previous billing period. A back charge may be...

Baby Bills

What is 'Baby Bills' A hypothetical nickname for the smaller companies that would have been formed if Microsoft had been broken up...

J. Harold Chandler

What is 'J. Harold Chandler' The current COO of Univers Workplace Benefits and a former president, CEO and chairman of disability insurance...

Naked Position

What is 'Naked Position' A securities position that is not hedged from market risk. Both the potential gain and the potential risk...


DefinitionH shares refer to the shares of companies incorporated in mainland China that are traded on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Many companies float...

ABA Bank Index

What is 'ABA Bank Index' A banking index that is made up of community banks and banking institutions. This index was created...

A. Michael Spence

DefinitionAndrew Michael Spence is an American economist and recipient of the 2001 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, along with George Akerlof and Joseph...

