Tag: administration

IESE Business School

IESE Business School & Career Opportunities

IESE Business School is one of the most prestigious and well-renowned business schools in the world. It has been ranked as the number one...


What is 'Y2K' A shorthand term for "the year 2000" commonly used to refer to a widespread computer programming shortcut that was...

Half Commission Man

What is 'Half Commission Man' A half commission man is an individual who introduces clients to stock brokers or other market professionals...

Rafael Miranda Robredo

What is 'Rafael Miranda Robredo' A former CEO of Spanish electricity company Endesa. Born in Spain in 1949, Roberdo worked for Tudor...


What is 'B-School' Abbreviation of business school, an educational institution that focuses on teaching business-related courses. While business schools may offer courses...

SAFE Investment Company (China)

What is 'SAFE Investment Company (China)' The SAFE Investment Company is the Hong Kong branch of the Chinese sovereign wealth fund. The...

Jack Welch

What is 'Jack Welch' The former chairman and CEO of General Electric (GE) from 1981 - 2001. Welch expanded the company and...

