Leaving the military and entering back into civilian life can seem like a daunting task to many veterans. The lifestyle is different, the people you work and interact with are different, and the jobs you want to apply for rarely show any semblance to your previous military career. Nevertheless, there are lots of exciting options for veterans who are willing to invest time into their education, and you might find that you end up thriving in certain types of jobs due to the skill you learned. In this post, you will learn about jobs suitable for veterans and the education required to obtain them.
A Quick Note
Before going into detail about the different types of education and jobs available for vets, you should be aware that some on this list will be highly dependent on what your previous job was in the military. While some like real estate agents are suitable for almost any position, others like supply chain managers might be better suited to those in logistical arms of the military, etc.
Real Estate Agent
To successfully sell property, you must be a great communicator who can explain key points succinctly. Furthermore, it requires you to have excellent organizational skills and the ability to network. All of these are skills that most veterans have in abundance, especially getting organized and communicating effectively. Therefore, it seems like the perfect job for former military personnel to get involved with (and the rewards can be pretty lucrative if you become successful). Nevertheless, you will pass an exam to become a registered estate agent. You can use a real estate practice exam to prepare and make the real one that bit easier. Still, you should be aware that the actual exam is variable depending on the state you live in, but if you managed to attain any form of NCO position while in the military, you will be well-prepared to conduct this exam. However, the best way to go about it is to find practice questions online and begin studying. Once you have passed, you will be in a fantastic position to start a new career as a real estate broker and be able to put to use the high-quality skills you had drilled into you when you were a soldier, sailor, or airman.
Supply Chain Manager
A supply chain manager is someone who manages the supply chain of a business. They are responsible for managing the supply chain to make sure that goods are delivered on time and that there are no shortages or quality issues. They are people with extensive knowledge of market trends, vendor relationships, cost structures, and metrics such as inventory turns and material costs. A supply-chain manager is an essential role in companies today, particularly when it comes to logistics and global operations. This type of job is especially suited to those who were in logistical arms, but almost anyone is able to attain this position via hard work. Nonetheless, you will need to gain some essential qualifications before you are able to apply. There are 8 different supply chain management (SCM) certifications you can opt to achieve, including:
● APICS Certified Supply Chain Professional certification (CSCP)
● APICS Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM)
● APICS Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR-P) Endorsement
● ISM Certified Professional in Supply Management (CPSM)
● ISM Certified Professional in Supplier Diversity (CPSD)
● SCPro Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP)
● SOLE Certified Professional Logistician (CPL)
● NCMA Certified Professional Contract Manager (CPCM)
If you are unaware of which to go for, you can always look for SCM jobs and see which certifications are most in demand. Once you have this knowledge, you can choose to begin your education.
Almost everyone has a car and at some point, it will need repairing. Therefore, a great career choice for veterans is to get qualified to become a mechanic. While you might have to start at the bottom, you can usually work your way up to management positions with the right attitude and skills. Regarding skill, it is wise to become certified with The National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence. Once you have acquired the relevant certifications, you can begin looking for a job. If you are already a highly-adept mechanic, you should look for jobs in the luxury vehicle market as pay and conditions are considerably better, and they are likely to snap up veterans due to your work ethic and attitude.
Law Enforcement
Law enforcement tends to be one of the most popular choices for vets due to a similar work environment and hierarchy. Additionally, many police and sheriff departments are always on the lookout for those with military experience. However, military or not, you will still need to apply to a department of your choice and pass the relevant examinations and assessments to be cleared onto the subsequent stages.
Financial Advisor
This profession is suitable for many of the same reasons as a real estate agent, i.e. you need to be a great communicator and be able to parse and portray complex information concisely. There are three certification types that you can get, with each enabling you to focus on different aspects of the job, from retirement planning to investment research analysis. They include:
- Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
- Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
- Personal Financial Specialist (PFS)
Becoming a teacher is more of a calling than a profession, and it takes a special kind of person to get into this field. However, you could find it an extremely rewarding career choice, and it can be satisfying to watch your students grow into intelligent adults. You will certainly need to become qualified before stepping foot into a classroom, and the qualifications are state-devolved matters. Furthermore, you will need to have an exemplary record with no trace of criminal activity, as this will be checked via a criminal record check once you apply.
Head Of Organization Security
Many large organizations require a dedicated security team to keep the business and employees safe from a wide range of threats. Your previous career in the military will already give you a boost over other civilian candidates and in some cases, these organizations are specifically looking for veterans. Depending on whether you are applying on a freelance basis or as a member of a company that provides security services, you may or may not need qualifications.
From real estate agents to law enforcement, there are a plethora of career paths open to veterans. Nonetheless, most will return some form of certificate to progress, but most will find this to be no issue.