ABX index

What is 'ABX index' A financial metric used to assess the entire value of mortgages given to borrowers with subprime or poor credit ratings. When computing the total value of the ABX index, credit default swap contracts are used. The index is constructed of 20 bonds that are each constituted of a group of subprime mortgages. Financial institutions can use...


What is 'EBITDA Margin' EBITDA margin is a measurement of a company's operating profitability as a percentage of its total revenue. It is equal to earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) divided by total revenue. Because EBITDA excludes interest, depreciation, amortization and taxes, EBITDA margin can provide an investor, business owner or financial professional with...

FDIC Insured Account

What is 'FDIC Insured Account' An account that meets the requirements to be covered or insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). An FDIC Insured Account has to be in a bank that is a participant of the FDIC program. The different accounts that can be FDIC insured are NOW, checking, savings, Certificate of Deposits (CD)...

IDR (Indonesian Rupiah)

What is 'IDR' The currency abbreviation or the currency symbol for the Indonesian Rupiah (IDR). The Rupiah is made up of 100 sen, and is often presented with the symbol (Rp). The Rupiah derives its name from its sister currency the Indian Rupee. The Riau Islands and the Indonesian half of New Guinea both had their own...

FASB 157

What is 'FASB 157' A Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Statement that requires all publicly-traded companies in the U.S. to classify their assets based on the certainty with which fair values can be calculated. This statement created three asset categories: Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. Level 1 assets are the easiest to value accurately based...

NAB Business Confidence Index

What is 'NAB Business Confidence Index' A key measure of business confidence in Australia, published monthly and quarterly by National Australia Bank. The NAB Business Confidence Index is a component of the bank's business survey, which covers hundreds of Australian companies to assess business conditions in the nation. The index is closely watched to gauge the overall...

KBW Bank Index

What is 'KBW Bank Index' An economic index consisting of the stocks of 24 banking companies. This index serves as a benchmark of the banking sector. This index trades on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, where it was created. The KBW Index is named after Keefe, Bruyette and Woods, a recognized authority in the banking industry. ...

Macro Risk

What is 'Macro Risk' A type of political risk in which political actions in a host country can adversely affect all foreign operations. Macro risk can come about from events that may or may not be in the reigning government's control. Explaining 'Macro Risk' For example, any company that is engaging in foreign direct...


What is 'E-Meeting' A meeting that takes place over an electronic medium rather than in the traditional face-to-face fashion. The most common form of an e-meeting is done through web-based software which allows individuals and groups from around the globe to facilitate meetings without physically travelling to an agreed upon location. Explaining 'E-Meeting' The...

Jackson Hole Economic Symposium

What is 'Jackson Hole Economic Symposium' An annual symposium sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City since 1978, and held in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, since 1981. The symposium focuses on an important economic issue that faces U.S. and world economies. Participants include prominent central bankers and finance ministers, as well as academic luminaries and leading...