Tag: treasury

Rate Anticipation Swap

What is 'Rate Anticipation Swap' A type of swap in which bonds are exchanged according to their current duration and predicted interest...

Salomon Brothers

DefinitionSalomon Brothers was an investment bank founded in 1910 by three Jewish-American brothers along with a clerk named Ben Levy, it remained a partnership...

Sallie Mae (Student Loan Marketing Association)

What is 'Sallie Mae - Student Loan Marketing Association' Sallie Mae is a publicly traded company that is the largest provider of...

Savings Bond Plan

What is 'Savings Bond Plan' A program that allows employees to purchase U.S. savings bonds, such as the Series EE and Series...

Bailout Bond

What is 'Bailout Bond' A debt security issued by the Resolution Funding Corporation to bail out the savings and loan associations during...


What is a 'Bailout' A bailout is a situation in which a business, an individual or a government offers money to a...

Basis Point

DefinitionA basis point is one hundredth of a percent or equivalently one ten thousandth. The related concept of a permyriad is literally one part...

Canada Premium Bond (CPB)

What is 'Canada Premium Bond - CPB' A debt instrument issued by the Bank of Canada that offers a higher interest rate...

Balance Sheet Reserves

What are 'Balance Sheet Reserves' Balance sheet reserves refer to the amount expressed as a liability on the insurance company's balance sheet...

Cancel Former Order (CFO)

What is 'Cancel Former Order - CFO' An order from an investor to a broker, to cancel a previously placed order that...

