Tag: reserve

Manual Execution

What is 'Manual Execution' A method of trading with the help of a dealer or broker, versus trading automatically. Manual executions tend...

Macroeconomic Swap

What is 'Macroeconomic Swap' A type of derivative designed to help companies whose revenues are closely correlated with business cycles to reduce...

Macroeconomic Stabilization Fund (FEM)

What is 'Macroeconomic Stabilization Fund - FEM' A reserve fund established by the country of Venezuela. Also known as the "FEM," it...

Absorbed Account

What is 'Absorbed Account' An account that has been combined or that has merged with another related account. Accounts are often absorbed...

Absolute Auction

What is 'Absolute Auction' A type of auction where the sale is awarded to the highest bidder. Absolute auctions do not have...

Real Bills Doctrine

DefinitionThe real bills doctrine asserts that money should be issued in exchange for short-term real bills of adequate value. The doctrine was developed by...

Saturday Night Special

What is 'Saturday Night Special' An obsolete takeover strategy where one company attempted a takeover of another company by making a sudden...

Backstop Purchaser

What is 'Backstop Purchaser' An entity that agrees to purchase all the remaining, unsubscribed securities from a rights offering. The backstop purchaser...

Back Stop

What is a 'Back Stop' A back stop is the act of providing last-resort support or security in a securities offering for...

Bad Debt Reserve

What is 'Bad Debt Reserve' An account set aside by a company to account for and offset losses that arise as a...

