Tag: application

Things to Know Before Your First Loan Application

Taking out a loan in the right circumstances is an astute financial move. Approximately 70% of Americans said that borrowing improved their finances. Applying for...

Killer Application

DefinitionIn marketing terminology, a killer application is any computer program that is so necessary or desirable that it proves the core value of some...

Nationally Recognized Statistical Ratings Organization (NRSRO)

What is 'Nationally Recognized Statistical Ratings Organization - NRSRO' The formal term to describe credit rating agencies that provide credit ratings that...

Offer In Compromise

DefinitionThe Offer in Compromise program, in the United States, is an Internal Revenue Service program under which allows qualified individuals with an unpaid tax...

Accelerated Reply Mail (ARM)

What is 'Accelerated Reply Mail - ARM' An expedited delivery of business reply mail offered by the U.S. Postal Service. Reply mail...


Source: WikipediaLast Sourced: 2021-02-01This Article has been Edited for Accessibility Further Reading NAV discount in REITs: the role of expert assessors - www.tandfonline.com...


What is a 'Patent' A patent is a government license that gives the holder exclusive rights to a process, design or new...

Passbook Loan

What is 'Passbook Loan' A personal loan extended to a savings-account holder by the custodial bank. Passbook loans use the balance of...


What is 'Parking' Parking in stock trading is the practice of selling shares to another party with the understanding that the original...

Qualified Exchange Accommodation Arrangements

What is 'Qualified Exchange Accommodation Arrangements' A strategy used in some 1031 exchanges where a third party, known as an "accommodation party,"...

