Tag: vehicle

Parking Violation

DefinitionA parking violation is the act of parking a motor vehicle in a restricted place or for parking in an unauthorized manner. It is...

Qualified Electric Vehicle

What is 'Qualified Electric Vehicle' An electric vehicle that qualifies the owner to claim a nonrefundable tax credit. A qualified electric vehicle...

Qualified Personal Residence Trust (QPRT )

What is 'Qualified Personal Residence Trust – QPRT ' A specific type of trust that allows its creator to remove a personal...

Watercraft Nonowned Insurance

Watercraft Nonowned Insurance What is 'Watercraft Nonowned Insurance ' A type of financial safeguard that covers marine vessels that are owned...

Wear And Tear Exclusion

Wear And Tear Exclusion What is 'Wear And Tear Exclusion ' A provision of an insurance contract that states that the...

General Motors (GM) Indicator

What is 'General Motors (GM) Indicator' An indicator based on the theory that the performance of U.S. automaker General Motors (GM) is...
gas guzzler tax

Gas Guzzler Tax

What is the gas guzzler tax and how does it work The gas guzzler tax is a fee levied on vehicles that have poor fuel...
Garage Liability Insurance

Garage Liability Insurance

What is Garage Liability Insurance and why do you need it Garage liability insurance is a type of insurance specifically for businesses that offer automotive...

Gap Insurance

DefinitionGuaranteed Auto Protection insurance was established in the North American financial industry. GAP insurance is the difference between the actual cash value of a...

Dealer Market

What is a 'Dealer Market' A financial market mechanism wherein multiple dealers post prices at which they will buy or sell a...

