Tag: reserve

War Chest

DefinitionThe Community Chests in the United States and Canada were fund-raising organizations that collected money from local businesses and workers and distributed it to...

Federal Funds

What are 'Federal Funds' Federal funds, often referred to as fed funds, are excess reserves that commercial banks and other financial institutions...

FED Pass

What is 'FED Pass' An action taken by the Federal Reserve that looks to increase the availability of credit by moving additional...

A-B Split

What is 'A-B Split' A method of testing the effectiveness of marketing methods or media. Using A-B split marketing, a list of...


What is 'Paid-Up' The state of a settlement when all payment obligations for a security have been completed in a customer account....


What is 'Y2K' A shorthand term for "the year 2000" commonly used to refer to a widespread computer programming shortcut that was...

What is the Real Interest Rate in 2020?

How do you find the real rate? The real interest rate can be calculated by removing the inflation rate from the current nominal interest...

CAMELS Rating System

What is the 'CAMELS Rating System' The CAMELS rating system is a recognized international rating system that bank supervisory authorities use in...

U.S. Dollar Index (USDX)

What is the 'U.S. Dollar Index - USDX' The U.S. dollar index (USDX) is a measure of the value of the U.S....

K-Percent Rule

DefinitionFriedman's k-percent rule is the monetarist proposal that the money supply should be increased by the central bank by a constant percentage rate every...

